The Scales Academy

The “Scales Academy” is Dreamflight’s® recreational gymnastics program.  It consists of seven levels based on colors.  The colors of one’s “dragon’s scales” determine their level, and the skills they’ve achieved to reach that level.  Moving up in level requires the testing of that level by the Head Coach.  From lowest to highest level, these colors follow the rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and then finally Prism Scales.  Once a child gains their “Green Scales”, they are offered a chance to transfer to the Competitive Team.

Call for our Schedule or more information on our level breakdown.

Red Scales

  • To learn basic concepts of strength, flexibility, and movement using proper form.

  • To understand and practice basic gymnastics terminology.

Orange Scales

  • To start gaining skills on each event that will become the fundamental basics of the levels to come.

  • To increase strength to support the body in gymnastics.

Yellow Scales

  • To gain the flexibility and strength to begin doing many skills on their own.

  • To learn advanced shaping and understand progressions.

Green Scales

  • To start working advanced level skills on each event.

  • Every gymnast who passes Green Level is invited to team; however, no one is forced to join team - they can still advanced to ‘team-level’ skills in the recreational Scales Academy!

Blue Scales, Indigo Scales, and Prism Scales progress a gymnast further than Green. The summaries will be added soon. This page is still under construction…